EDITO digital infrastructure for the European Digital Twin of the Ocean
EDITO-Infra aims to integrate and expand existing European assets and capabilities to develop the EU Public Infrastructure digital backbone for the EU Digital Twin Ocean. It will create the capability to integrate all openly accessible marine (and related) datasets and make them available for the European Digital Twin of the Ocean usage through the EDITO-Infra Data Lake.
It will leverage existing infrastructures, including HPC- to power a digital twin of the Ocean engine, enabling configuring, scheduling and running stream of algorithms and models and providing interactive tools to allow users (or machines) to both visualise and manipulate the information and interact with on-demand models and WiSs in simple and intuitive ways. The ultimate goal is to prepare for future integration of EDITO into the DestinE infrastructure.
EDITO digital infrastructure
The EDITO-Infra computing, storage and network resource management relies on the use of scalable and elastic infrastructure technology (chosen according to the system architecture and infrastructure provider API levels) and the GEANT network. The platform aims at reaching the SLA of the infrastructure providers, exploiting stack dynamic replication to prevent unwanted downtime on software updates and infrastructure replacement, and to fit the platform usage and minimise infrastructure costs.
Data Lake: Enabling data access by digital twin applications
A storage component (instantiated the purpose of this project) that enables high-performance access to the data by digital twin applications. In particular, it is used:
To upload user data (e.g. local data to be shared with other EDITO-Infra users).
To upload user results produced with the EDITO-Infra Engine.
To provide a cache mechanism for assets processed by the EDITO-Infra Engine (e.g. transformed input data from external service and intermediate results) .
A centralised resource catalogue components that indexes:
Assets hold in the storage component.
External assets referenced within the catalogue but not yet physically stored/materialised in the storage component.
User interfaces: Supporting intermediate and end-users of digital ocean twins
EDITO-Infra will seek to meet the needs of different users, whether it is scientists and researchers who may want to contribute to the development of different tools; intermediate users looking for modelling capabilities, including tools and infrastructure; or end users looking for synthetic information for decision-making.
A virtual co-working environment will gear up users with powerful computing resources and advanced (software) tools, allowing them to run simulations. EDITO will provide on-demand modelling capability (based on the EDITO-Infra engine) to run the users’ own simulations and to allow “what-if scenarios”, to be deployed on the computing platform for specific use cases across all areas of the EU Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters”. From these interfaces, the user will also have access to ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tools and data orchestration tools to manage data in the EDITO-Infra Data Lake.
The EDITO-Infra Smart Viewer will support high-performance, streamlined exploration of all datasets from the Mission’s Lighthouses, in combination with products from the Copernicus Marine archive, EMODnet, and other sources, including the creation of analysis-ready, cloud-optimised datacubes based on available datasets. The integrated catalogue-viewer-subsetter will combine datacubes, as well as WMS layers in a single, powerful viewer, catering to a wide range of user needs, from research to reporting and casual exploration.