Explore and share ocean data, models and services in an open and collaborative way

Beta Testers

EDITO is collaborating with research and/or innovation actions funded by the European Union and/or EU Member States to integrate their applications on the EDITO-infra platform, allowing for scalability, knowledge sharing and sustainability of services for the benefit of wider user communities, and informing user requirements.

Supporting the development of applications and services to safeguard marine environments, contribute to a sustainable blue economy, and combat climate change

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  • EU DTO application to combat marine plastic pollution and safeguard marine environments
    Monitoring marine plastic, predicting its movement to support informed decisions and actions to curb marine plastic.
  • EU DTO application to support nature-based solutions against coastal hazards
    Exploring the best way to use coastal vegetation such as seagrass to reduce coastal risks.
  • EU DTO application to support sustainable aquaculture
    Assessing impact of aquaculture implementation scenarios

EU DTO – OceanICU application to simulate carbon uptake

Simulating a water column anywhere around the world and explore its response to pressures.

EU DTO – Blue Cloud 2026 application to support marine biodiversity conservation
Unreveling plankton dynamics to monitor and predict marine life movement in support of conservation efforts.

EU DTO application to manage invasive species
Predicting invasive species hotspots and range shifts. Exploring patterns to detect migration routes and vectors around the Europena coastline

EU DTO application to track sea turtle movement to protect biodiversity
Predicting the future ecology of turtles in order to anticipate future conservation measures.

EU DTO – Application to assess species suitability
Displaying habitat suitability maps for selected species from 2020-2100. A species, variable, and year can be selected to indictate the habitat suitability.

EU DTO – BIODIVER-COAST application to monitor water quality in support of aquaculture and biodiversity restoration.

Monitoring and forecasting water quality for sustainable oyster aquaculture in the Bay of Galway, Ireland.

EU DTO – SOCIB application – Early warning system for extreme events

Predicting meteo-tsunamis in the western Mediterranean for managing risk and adaptation to a changing climate.

EU DTO – LISCOAST application to assess weather-related and socioeconomic impacts in coastal areas in present and future climates
Large-scale sea-level and coastal assessment tool to quantify coastal hazards, exposure and vulnerability and assess consequent risks.

EU DTO – OLAMUR application to support sustainable multi-use of marine environment
Unveiling the potential of multi-use offshore wind energy and low trophic level aquaculture in the Baltic Sea.

EU DTO – ILIAD application – An immersive ocean for marine resource management
3D ocean environment visualisations for marine applications and spatial planning based on video game technology.

EU DTO – ILVO/ ILIAD application – Digital twinning for sustainable fisheries management
Digital twin tool combining high quality data from fishing vessels to allow real time fish stock, ecosystem evaluation and catch prediction.

EU DTO – NOCOS DT application to improve ship navigability in the Arctic and Baltic Ocean

Digital twin tools for monitoring sea ice and assessing the risk for maritime transport.

EU DTO – PIPELINE DTO application to improve coastal monitoring and forecasting

Improving marine data and forecasts for the Portuguese coastal waters in support of national and EU policy and directives.

Developing standards for modelling biological variables, including providing a modeling framework for biological data.

Discover existing applications and more

Build and explore “Digital Twin” applications and “What-If” scenarios to inform decisions in support of the EU Mission “Restore our Ocean & Waters“

A growing marine science, research & innovation community is working together to co-create the European Digital Twin Ocean

Do you want to become a Beta User?

Are you working on delivering digital twin applications that could contribute to the European Digital Twin Ocean? Contact us to enquire on EDITO-Infra’s Beta Testing program.